Friday, September 6, 2013

Enlightening article about the feeding habits of newborns

I love to talk about breastfeeding.

I did not know before I gave birth that I would become such a passionate advocate for breastfeeding education and knowledge, but WOW....have I ever...

I am a member of a local peer support group with a Facebook page. It is a private forum in which mothers can ask questions, share information, share knowledge, share support, vent their frustrations, etc.  The group is "run" by a board of breastfeeding counselors with a wide variety of experience, qualification, and know-how. It is through this particular group that I have been exposed to situations and questions about breastfeeding that I couldn't have dreamed up if I tried! THERE ARE INNUMERABLE POSSIBILITIES...good and bad.

A common concern I have read posted time and time and time and time again is about newborn feeding behavior. Are they getting enough? Am I even doing this right? Why does this baby want to eat all the time?

Today, somebody shared a link to a blog post that I loved. It is written from the perspective of the newborn, and addresses the above-mentioned concerns, among many others. It dispels several myths about breastfeeding that unfortunately circulate around society, perpetuating the distribution of available misinformation.

I love it because it educates, and does so in a clever and comforting way. Moms who choose to breastfeed ought to find it useful!

Read the article here: Baby Explains- Normal Newborn Behavior

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